Thank you for your interest in receiving a donation from Dave’s Killer Bread! At this time we do not make monetary donations, but we do offer product and gift pack donations in the local Oregon/Washington area. If you would like to request a donation, please fill out all fields below and we will respond to your request as soon as we are able.
The nitty gritty: all confirmed donations must be picked up in Milwaukie, Oregon. Unfortunately at this time we cannot accommodate shipping arrangements. We consider product donations for backpack programs, food banks/pantries, and school fundraisers. We consider gift pack donations for other fundraisers and silent auctions. All requests must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the event for which you need the donation. Donations will be considered on a case by case basis depending on product and merchandise availability. Due to the high volume of requests we may not be able to respond to every request, but we will try our best.